MARINA rolls out yet another online service for Filipino seafarers. MARINA Theoretical exam online application is now possible. With just a tip of your fingertips, you can apply, file, upload and get your desired schedule for theoretical examination.
On December 17, 2018, MARINA officially launched the newest online service this time, for the application of theoretical exam online. Starting December 26th, all seafarers applying for theoretical examination shall upload their documents in the MARINA online appointment website.
As MARINA slowly releases new features in MISMO system, the end user can now schedule Theoretical Examination, get Practical Assessment Permits, COP and COC. In this blog, we’ll talk about applying for the theoretical examination.
What does this help?
This online service will help streamline all applicant’s schedule. There is no need to line up and wait. You can just schedule your chosen date of transaction and go there by the time it comes.
Obviously, this is a huge help for our mates who hails from the provinces. They can actually plan ahead for their appearance at MARINA or in Regional Offices.
This feature is available in select MARINA Regional Offices in Cebu, Davao and Ilo-Ilo.
RELATED: 7 steps to get SRB using Seamans Book Online Appointment System
Set up the MARINA Theoretical Exam appointment
First, you log in or register at

Follow our step by step tutorial on how to set up appointments here.
After you update your profile, you can click and view available examination schedules by clicking the Exam Schedules Tab.
When you scroll down on the Exam Schedules Tab, you can see available schedules. The blue colored ones are examinations in MARINA Main Office in Manila. The yellow ones are schedules in Davao. The green ones are the Cebu exam schedules. Red are Iloilo.

After you’ve chosen your desired schedule, click on Select Transaction button.

Next, click Examination tab.

Choose Theoretical Exam, then select Document type. It can be Deck or Engine Management Level, Deck or Engine Operational Level.
Different types of Exam options
As you can see, there are a lot of options and if you’re asking for explanation, please differentiate the following:
Theoretical Exam – for first time taker.
Practical Assessment – to be taken after the Theoretical Examination.
Resit with Payment or without Payment – those with failed functions.
Reschedule with Payment or without Payment – if due to some circumstances the examinee is unable to proceed with the scheduled examination whether first time or re sit, he may reschedule his or her exam at later date.
However, the applicant’s access to the CRP will stop. In order to reactivate CRP access, the applicant must apply for Reschedule with or without Payment. This application must be supported with evidence or under this following circumstances:
- Force Majeure (before and during examination);
- Death of immediate member of family as evidenced by a death certificate
- Medical condition accompanied by a medical certificate; or
- Immediate deployment supported by Certificate of Sea Service and SID/SRB.
I hope all the explanation is clear as above is an instruction you can find in MARINA Advisory No. 2021-66.
Then tick Proceed button. You will then be asked to upload the necessary requirements for your application.

For your guidance, please see all the exam requirements below: No more MLC or OLC requirements prior to taking the theoretical examination as of May 2021.

Once you finish uploading, click the Submit button.
Payment Process
Choose between Bayad Center or Visa/Mastercard options. As of this writing, Visa/Mastercard option does not work well. So i suggest, you use the Bayad Center option for your payment.

After choosing Bayad Center as payment method, click Proceed.
You will then be redirected to the payment window where you can see your reference number. It will also be sent via SMS.

Pay via GCash, BPI App or in Bayad Centers. After payment, you will receive an acknowledgement via SMS along with the instructions for final evaluation.
Final Evaluation
As of February 2020, MARINA removed the online evaluation. Thus, making the process faster. It will directly be for the Final Evaluation. Once approved, a link to MARINA CRP will be given to the applicant.
If you’re not approved, you will also be notified via text on what deficiencies you need to comply.
By early 2022, MARINA starts to implement a non appearance to its offices in regards to final evaluation of COPs, COCs and for Theoretical examination.
RELATED: MARINA CRP Step by Step Guide
The applicant will receive a text with MARINA CRP link. You can visit the portal here.
In the review portal, you will need to take Diagnostic Exam, Review and then Mock Examination.

In here, you need to be familiar to all this as this contains the correct answers to each questions in each competencies. As minimum, 480 minutes for Regular and 120 minutes for Resits to complete this section.
If you reach the minimum hours of review, only then you can take the mock exam up to 6 times in preparation for the actual theoretical examination.
You will then be redirected to the MISMO system and only then you can choose for the schedule of your theoretical exam.
Choose your time and date
Finally, for your theoretical examination, choose the date, time and branch that is convenient to you using MISMO system.

Once finished, just click Proceed.

By this time, the applicant is now ready to take the exam. Best of luck!