MARINA CRP Step by Step Guide

Its a sure thing that the MARINA Competency Reviewer Portal or MARINA CRP is new to everyone. Thus, many are still looking on how to use this & thankfully, MARINA shares a glimpse on how to use this new platform.

But before engaging into this portal, remember that there are some conditions that you need to accomplish. Hence, not everyone can use this reviewer at the same time. Only with the following criteria can use the MARINA CRP:

1. Has a MISMO Account and SRN

2. Has already approved Final Evaluation of Documents approved by MARINA either for OIC, Management or GOC Examinations

Already has these two? Then its time to proceed to the review portal.

Step 1: Go to the online reviewer at

Enter your SRN number and use your MISMO account password for the Password. Then click Log In.


Step 2: Go to your email address you use in MISMO and check for the authentication code.

Code sent to your email address
Enter the code into the Portal

The click Submit.

Step 3: Read the Terms and Conditions set forth by the agency. After reading, Click Accept.

General instructions on how to use the portal can be found in the Home.

Step 4: Go to the Diagnostic Exam Tab. Read the instructions before proceeding. Once done, click Proceed.

Diagnostic Exam

Here, you can view each of the competencies questions and the allotted time to complete the question. Normally, it takes 1 minute to complete per question. So at 10 competency questions, it will require 10 mins to finish.

Time allotted for each question

It is a requirement that one must provide answers to each question in order to complete the exam. This is to unlock the reviewer tab and there, you can review all incorrect answers in the diagnostic exam you took.

Once done, you will be notified that you may now use the Reviewer Section of this portal.

Proceed to the Review Section

Step 5: Go to Reviewer Section and read the instructions carefully. Click Proceed.

Reviewer Tab

In here, you need to be familiar to all this as this contains the correct answers to each questions in each competencies. As minimum, 480 minutes for Regular and 120 minutes for Resits to complete this section.

If you reach the minimum hours of review, only then you can take the mock exam up to 6 times in preparation for the actual theoretical examination.

Minimum hours complete

Step 6: Take the Mock Exam. Each user has 3 attempts to use the Mock Exam. This serves as an opportunity to practice answering competence questions prior taking the actual theoretical examination.

Mock Exam

Once you pass the mock exam, you either can keep reviewing, retaking mock exam until you feel confident enough to take the actual exam. On the other hand, you now have the option to proceed to the actual exam.

However, there’s a catch. Your access to the portal will also be deactivated. You will be redirected to the MISMO system to proceed with your theoretical examination application.

Option to proceed to actual exam

That’s all the steps you need to take in order for you to avail this free reviewer provided by MARINA. This is a lot better than enrolling in a review center which is too costly nowadays. Indeed, this is much of a help to us.

FAQs & Concerns regarding MARINA CRP

1.Who is eligible to use MARINA CRP?

*Those Seafarer’s who has already approved Final Evaluation of Documents approved by MARINA either for OIC,Management or GOC Examinations.

2.Is there any time limit of using Marina CRP can be used?

*Yes,360 hours only for Regular and 120 hours for Resit.

3.When can I take the mock exam of Marina CRP?

*after 120hours for regular and 60hours for resit.

4.Why should I take the mock exam of CRP?

*you cannot secure a schedule for examination unless you will passed the mock exam.

5.How to Log-in?

*username=SRN #password=mismo password

6.When will the CRP Questions be reflected and enforced?

*January 2022 Onwards, according to MARINA.

8.How can I contact MARINA for any Technical Issues?

[email protected] or [email protected]