It’s finally here! Upgrading of MARINA license for management level is now possible for seafarers who are qualified to do so. There are plenty of seafarers awaiting this advisory. This caters not only the MARINA license holders but also PRC passers who wish to upgrade their license.
An advisory from MARINA’s STCW Office regarding the subject can be read here.
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Upgrading of MARINA License Checklists
On July 27, 2021, MARINA released the final guidelines regarding PRC passer’s upgrading requirements. Lets check if you are qualified to upgrade your license right now. We created this ourselves to help you evaluate your eligibility.
Lets take a look:

Upgraging of License through MISMO
The process of application of COC/COE is now in MISMO. In addition, the system also now have the requirement for upgrading of license. For the next steps, make sure that you have all your requirements with you including the required sea service.
First, Log in to your MISMO account by going to

Second, make sure all your information is up to date and correct. Then, click Select Transaction button on the upper right corner.

Third, choose Certification options in the pop-up window. Tick Issuance, Select COC as Class then Function as either Master or Chief Engineer.

Then, you will be redirected to the application page. There, you can see the requirements for upgrading. Do not get confused as the requirements are mixed with other normal issuance requirements.
If you do have all other requirements needed, just upload it.

RELATED: How to edit and update your MARINA SRN?

Payment Process
You have finally set an appointment! Now, its time for payment. Right after you have clicked the Proceed Button, you will then be redirected to the payment page. Here, you will see the guidelines of payment for your transaction. Read it well.
Next, after you have clicked Proceed (for the second time), click Confirm. Once you have clicked the Confirm button, MARINA will inform you regarding your reference number. It looks like this:

Where can I pay my transactions?
You need to pay in select MARINA partner payment centers across the country. Just note the reference number that MARINA sent you. Choose among these accredited payment centers near you.

Final evaluation
As per MARINA Advisory No. 2022-08, the final step of the process which is the final evaluation requires no more personal appearances to MARINA Offices.
Releasing of COP/COC will be sent directly to each applicant’s MISMO accounts and thus, can be printed in standard A4 size paper.
Only applicants who has some clarification, verification needed from MARINA will have to go to the nearest MARINA Office for this matter.