MARINA enables new function to its MARINA Integrated Seafarers Management Online System (MISMO). This will surely benefit our mates from the provinces. This enables the final evaluation for MARINA Theoretical Examination to be done in Cebu and Davao.
As a result, there is no need for you to go to the Central Office to have your final evaluation. You only need to set up the appointment to the office nearest to you.
This is a sign that the MARINA theoretical examination in Cebu and Davao is here to stay.
Final Evaluation for MARINA Theoretical Examination
Starting January 21, 2019, a seafarer can set an appointment for final evaluation for theoretical examination. He or she can then choose between the Manila Main Office, Cebu or Davao.

This procedure is somewhat similar to the old SCS profile (SRN). However, this time you can choose which branch you want your transaction to be done.
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First, in your MISMO account, upload all the documentary requirements for your examination. After that, you can then proceed to set up the appointment.
Next, go to your appointment date and time. Thereafter, once your final evaluation will be approved, you can then be given the examination permit. You can now then take the theoretical examination.
As we understand, once you’ll enroll in a review center, they will assist you on this. So, make the most out of their service.
I am happy that this service is now possible through a click of a button. My experience during my filing last 2017 was such a costly endeavor. Great to see all this developments!
An applicant can now apply for final evaluation in MARINA Ilo-ilo Office.