The question that lot of people has in mind. They see this big houses, cars, and expensive things all in seafarer’s possession. Many witnesses somewhat a rug to riches story, a win at the end war movie and the like. It makes them wonder just how much does Filipino seaman’s salary?
In this blog, we’re going to disclose numbers which is based on latest CBA figures. This is an agreement by seafarer’s union to different employers. And by reading this blog, we hope to answer all your queries regarding the subject.
By the purpose of this discussion, we’re going to use per month as a time metric on how much a Filipino seafarer make.
Filipino seaman’s salary varies…
For you to understand how is our salary being computed, discussed and eventually agreed, we need to look at different factors that affect the final value in the crew wage account.
- Rank – the fist basis of a Filipino salary bracket will be his/her rank. This is the first indication on how much he or she is worth.

- Type of vessel – this factor greatly matters. As you know, crew from tanker vessels are well compensated compared to crew from bulk or container carriers.
The reason they are well paid is because of the increased risk they are in. Tanker vessels are well monitored and continuously inspected so as to minimize that risk of accidents, spills or explosion onboard.
- Seniority – companies add incentives to their loyal employees by giving them a seniority bonus. Each year they are in the company, their seniority increases. The computation for this differs from company to company.
- CBA – Employers from different nationalities each have different CBA or Collective Bargaining Agreement. The CBA agreed by your employer and your union will be the basis of the minimum wage a seafarer should receive while in contract. All others values are company’s discretion.
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- Negotiation skills – as with other jobs, an applicant needs to negotiate well with the agency he or she is applying. One can never certain about this but it works. An applicant must bargain on how much he think he’s worth. Little talk, chit chat and might well then be in agreement with the recruitment officer. There are seafarers who always do this and is successful in bargaining.
Should you be a seafarer too?
It is normal for people to get attracted to this huge pay. This scale is by far greater than most of land based jobs. However, one must contemplate if he or she can take the risk, be at sea, battle the waves and defeat homesickness.
The working environment here is sometimes at its extreme. Extreme cold, heat, fatigue, social problems, communications, etc. An aspiring seafarer must understand the value of sacrifice to its full extent. Because mostly, this money you will be earning is not for you but for your loved ones that is left behind.
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