On a course of few months, MARINA has disclosed major changes to theoretical and practical examinations. The changes includes requirements, conditions and new examination procedures. With this, MARINA exams application goes online through the help of MARINA’s new online appointment system.
The MARINA theoretical exams application in 2022 is way more easy and convenient than that of previous years. Thanks to the agency’s efforts to put almost all transactions online.
As we experienced the procedures from the SCS portal, this MARINA exams application is a huge time and money saver. Right now, an applicant can have his or her final evaluation of documents in MARINA Cebu, Davao and Ilo-Ilo Offices.
Start with a click of a button…
First, an applicant needs to have a valid MISMO account. Already have an account? Good! Let’s proceed. If new to MISMO, click here to create an account.
Sign in or register to MISMO at online-appointment.marina.gov.ph.
Second, please make sure that your profile information is up to date.

RELATED: MARINA COP Online Application to start January 29, 2019
After you have updated your profile, proceed and click Select Transaction.

Tick Theoretical Exam in the Examination Tab. Then, Choose the corresponding document type of your choice. There are 11 options here. Namely: Master Mariner, Chief Mate, Chief Engineer, 2E, OIC NW, OIC EW, II/4, III/4, II/5, III/5 and GMDSS Radio Operator.
Tick the declaration button and then click Proceed.

Different types of Exam options
As you can see, there are a lot of options and if you’re asking for explanation, please differentiate the following:
Theoretical Exam – for first time taker of the MARINA Theoretical Exams.
Practical Assessment – to be taken after the Theoretical Exams.
Resit with Payment or without Payment – those with failed functions.
Reschedule with Payment or without Payment – if due to some circumstances the examinee is unable to proceed with the scheduled examination whether first time or re sit, he may reschedule his or her exam at later date.
However, the applicant’s access to the CRP will stop. In order to reactivate CRP access, the applicant must apply for Reschedule with or without Payment. This application must be supported with evidence or under this following circumstances:
- Force Majeure (before and during examination);
- Death of immediate member of family as evidenced by a death certificate
- Medical condition accompanied by a medical certificate; or
- Immediate deployment supported by Certificate of Sea Service and SID/SRB.
I hope all the explanation is clear as above is an instruction you can find in MARINA Advisory No. 2021-66.
You will be redirected to the Application page, where here, you can see the details of your application including the examination requirements.

Upload all documentary requirements required by MARINA. For your guidance, take a look at the requirements:

Next, after you upload all the requirements, select the Submit button. You will then be redirected to the Payment Portal.
Payment Process
Choose between Bayad Center or Visa/Mastercard options. As of this writing, Visa/Mastercard option does not work well. So i suggest, you use the Bayad Center option for your payment.

After choosing Bayad Center as payment method, click Proceed.
You will then be redirected to the payment window where you can see your reference number. It will also be sent via SMS.

Pay via GCash, BPI App or in Bayad Centers. After payment, you will receive an acknowledgement via SMS along with the instructions for final evaluation.
Final Evaluation for MARINA Theoretical Exams
You will be notified via text regarding the status of the application. If the application is approved, a link to the MARINA CRP will be given. If there is still a problem with the application, then you will be notified also.
Final evaluation for theoretical exams is now fully online and regional offices does not require anymore any appearances. This is a huge upside to further lighten the overall process.
Using the MARINA CRP
As a new review tool for the exams, MARINA unveils the Comprehensive Reviewer Portal or CRP.

In this new portal, you will have to take and pass the Diagnostic Examination, Review and Mock Exam before they can set an exam schedule.
New to CRP? Click here to learn more.
Set your Theoretical Exam using MISMO
After successfully passing all the examinations required in the CRP, you can now set a schedule for the actual examinations.
You will be redirected back to MISMO (from CRP) to carry out this process. Once in MISMO, choose the most convenient date and time for you to take the exam. Thus, pressure amounting to this process will be less since you already review quite extensively.