Have you experienced long waiting time for your MISMO transaction? We feel you as most of us has gone through the same. Most particularly the MISMO online evaluation. In this blog, we’re going to find out why.
Though its very convenient, having no long queues at MARINA Offices, this service has its Achilles hill. The online evaluation part. What are the possible reasons for such a long waiting time?
Before we dig deep, take a moment to understand that it is not that easy to verify a document online. It could be fake, tampered or information might not be true. So with this, you may now have an idea why it takes so long.
Reason #1: Wrong Documents Uploaded

If you have wrong documents uploaded, then it might cost you significant time. This is because after finding out the fault and notify you of the mistake, online evaluators will proceed to another document in line. If you submitted the corrected document, then it will again start at the bottom so to say.
Make sure before proceeding to hit the Submit button that your documents are correct, not expired, not edited or tampered.
Reason #2: Wrong information provided in MISMO
Applicants must make sure that the information they provided in MISMO will coincide with the documents they will upload and vice versa. This information has to be consistent like name, birthday, SRN, SRB and other entries.
In addition, the applicant’s MISMO profile should be in order. MISMO profile picture has to follow the requirement as set in the requirements window.
MISMO online evaluation can take up longer than expected if these entries are not the same. You have to update your MISMO information entry or worse, your document.
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Reason #3: Office availability

There are MARINA Offices that has minimal transactions and therefore, can accommodate more applications. This is true in some offices in Bacolod, Tacloban, etc. that has least concentration of applications.
However, be careful as some MARINA branches does not accept all online transactions in MISMO. To know more about their services, click here.
Reason #4: Some documents needs verification
There are some documents like sea service that needs verification. This is applicable most to domestic certificates and sea service. As we all know, they are prone to falsification.
So the agency has to examine these documents thoroughly to verify that the information in the document is correct.
Is MISMO online evaluation getting better?
We can only tell this if almost all of us experience less to no hassle at all. Right now, the obvious answer is no. It is not getting better. Most of us thought that well, since the platform is still young (at bout 1 year old +), it needs plenty of room to grow.
However, the issue since day 1 is still the issue a year later. Most of our mates loved to have an walk in option and not solely rely online.
As of February 2020, MARINA removes online evaluation for ISSUANCE of STCW Certificates. Certainly a great move! Because this is the one step that consumes most of the processing time.