Crew Change: Joining the vessel

This is it! Finally! After an incredibly long (or short) vacation, you’re finally getting onboard. As good days always have to end, you’re back to reality to work far away from home in a hostile and unpredictable environment. Crew change, joining the vessel.

It is never and will never be easy to leave especially if you have small kids who can’t understand the situation yet. It is an absolute heart breaker every single time. However, this should not hold you back for you know it is for the greater good for their future.

Sorry mates, this is always our ultimate sacrifice to our family. Anyways, let’s just take out the positive side on it. You’re finally getting your job back!

This can be very helpful to those who will board the ship for the first time. Or in case you have been a long-time mariner, do not be complacent for our world is on constant change, the one you experienced 3-4 months ago might never be the same again.

Crew Change: Reminders on the way to the vessel

1. Always keep an eye of your belongings – You are accountable of all your valuables. Never entertain anyone you do not know and always be in the group (if you have companions).
2. Make your travel documents easily accessible – do this to avoid hassle in getting your travel documents in and out of your bag. Put this in a small sling bag instead. This way it will be convenient for you in getting your passport, seaman’s book, LOG, etc.

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make your travel documents easily accesible

3. Minimize use of smaller bags for baggage – As much as possible, minimize usage of smaller bags. Use one big luggage instead to accommodate all your things. This way you can carry your valuables well with ease and can be monitored easily.

4. Extra cash/card will be handy – this can be difficult since most embarking crew doesn’t have extra cash set aside for this travel, plus, airport prices are absurd. A credit card would be useful in this event. In my case, I use BPI’s Prepaid Credit Card. No need to go to money exchange whatsoever, one swipe will settle your purchases in any currency.
5. Consider local laws at airport of destination/stopover – careful to follow local/airport rules. Usually, all those items that are prohibited can be seen in posters all around the airport. Make this as reference and you should be fine.

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In case of a delayed or missed flight, go to airline desk and ask for assistance, they should cater you or your group well and will book you a hotel or re schedule you to the nearest available flight.

If need to check into a hotel as per agent, rearrange things inside your luggage as it may have been rearranged due to aircraft movement. If will go directly to the vessel in berth or in case in anchorage, be ready to brace a no-sleep mode for a long period.