I am pretty sure that at many point in your contract you have been teased by your mind and cost you valuable time of rest. No matter what you do, what position you make, you just can’t sleep. Well, if you might not know yet, there are tricks to be able to sleep the moment you need it. I hope these simple tricks may help you mate!
- Do not use smartphones, computers for a long time

Using smartphones and computers can cause eyestrain and fatigue but won’t let you sleep. According to studies, the emit light that causes inability to sleep is twice as caffeine does.
- Do not drink too much coffee
Every seafarer knows this. This is our wonder drink onboard to keep us awake. Thus, do not drink once you’re about to finish your watch. As we all know, there have been confirmed studies that proved caffeine can affect our sleep.
- Switch off your lights
Some may disagree with this but darkness is a vital factor in obtaining good sleep. This will be a great help to 4-8 and 6-12 watches where in some circumstances, early sunrise may occur. Another alternative if you can’t sleep with lights off are eye patches like that of an airplane ride.
- Rhythmic breathing
I have been personally using this numerous times already even at home. This can make your heart relax in line with your current state. To do this, exhale heavily using your mouth, then inhale with your nose (with your mouth closed), mentally count to 4, then hold breath for 7 counts. Release then repeat the cycle 3 times more. You should then feel a calm, peaceful breathing which could lead you to have a good sleep.
- Re-align your sleeping position with the ships roll
Heavy rolling on a bad weather is a seafarer’s nightmare. You will be lucky enough to sleep in comfort during these times but it’s close to miracle to sleep at these moment. Since we can’t control this dynamic force of nature, we’ll just adjust ourselves to it and align our sleep transversely to coincide with ships roll. Now you’re like being cradled like a baby.
- Avoid overthinking
This is easier said than done. Overthinking can cost us valuable time intended for rest. Sometimes, we can avoid this. This can be very frustrating at times especially when we’re expecting something (like mooring, unmooring, bunkering, etc.). Family problem comes in, personal problems join the show, so your mind is so occupied at this time. A meditation app or worship podcasts, slow rock music or reading a book might solve this momentarily. So it’s better off to store 2-3 cans of cold beer and let it be your sleeping pills during times like this.
- Cold refreshing beer

The easiest and one of the most effective way seafarers use to help them sleep. No need to elaborate with this one as this is automatic. However, strict regulations have been imposed regarding this onboard due to alcohol-lead accidents. This is applicable when the ship is at sea and definitely not advised to take in ports or harbor waters.
Next time, try these simple hacks and I’ll be glad to hear you out in the comments. I hope this helps. Happy Sailing mate!