YES! You read that right. COP Revalidation in MARINA Regional Offices is now possible starting February 12, 2019. This is obviously a huge relief to our mates from the provinces.
This is inline with the agency’s effort to decongest MARINA Central Office. Late 2018 was the start of that effort with the implementation of MISMO. Followed by SIRB appointment, then the theoretical and practical assessments.
Base on our assessment, COP Revalidation in MARINA Regional Offices as well as COP issuance of II/4 & 5, III/4 & 5 is by far the most impactful.
This is because there are a lot more seafarers who needs this service than the other functions.
What COPs are accepted for revalidation?
The COPs accepted for revalidation are BT Refresher, PSCRB, PFRB and AFF. This 5-yearly refresher courses are mandatory under the new STCW 2010 Manila Ammendments.
Only after you have successfully take the refresher courses will then you can revalidate the COP.
We have a list of requirements in our other blog so you might want to look before you proceed.
What MARINA Regional Offices accepts COP Revalidation?

The following MARINA Regional Offices that accepts COP revalidation are NCR, La Union, Batangas, Ilo-Ilo, Bacolod, Tacloban, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro and Davao.
These regional offices are the center of some of the most seafarer producing provinces. So it is just right to have these services in near their backyard.
Be on the lookout for another regional offices to accept COP revalidation! Maybe the next one is in your area.