Where to get OIC Updating Training?

These are the list of training centers approved to offer OIC Updating training. Make sure to check your desired training center first before taking appropriate training course. Here are the list of training centers that has a MARINA accreditation and given a go ahead signal to teach the OIC Updating course Part A and Part B for Deck and Engine OICs.

Do you need this? If you’re from support level (ratings/cadet) and taking OIC COC, you need OIC Updating Part A. On the other hand, if you’re an OIC and taking in Management COC, you need to take on OIC Updatng Part B.

Full accreditation as of July 31, 2018.

Some of these training centers have branches across the country. Thus, seafarers should capitalize on their location to minimize expenses..

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Under Provisional Authority as of July 31, 2018

Please take note, some of these training centers requires minimum enrollees for the course to go through.