MARINA Exams Guidelines

Every examination needs guidelines and important notes to serve as a guide by the examinees. Our MARINA exams is none different. The agency discloses guidelines, the do’s and don’ts and some important things that should be observed during examination day. That’s why MARINA exams guidelines is a very important piece of instruction.

As soon as you have your schedule, a MARINA staff is will give you your Examination Permit. That looks like this:


This document will be your proof that you are eligible to take the MARINA Theoretical exams. Now, the guidelines of the exam is at the back of the page. For those who have not yet this document, here are the guidelines for your proper guidance.

RELATED: How to file for MARINA Exams



  1. REGULAR EXAM starts at 8:00AM, RESITS starts at 1:00PM EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. Examinees must be at the venue 30 minutes BEFORE THE START of the examination.
  2. There are 20 competences in the theoretical examination for Chief Mate/Master on ships 500GT and above. In addition, C17 and C20 shall be evidenced by approved training and experience related thereto, in accordance with Section A-VI of the STCW Code.
  3. Each competence is examined and shall be passed independently.
  4. A candidate may choose as many competences (MINIMUM of 2 COMPETENCES PER SCHEDULE) as he intends to be examined on, upon filing the application however only the chosen competences shall be taken on the scheduled date. Results of exam under competences that are not scheduled shall be invalidated.
  5. A candidate who fails 3 or more competences in on sitting may not apply for a re-sit within 1 month period. (The 3-1 Rule)
  6. A candidate who fails in the same competence 3 times shall not be allowed to re-sit for that competence, until upon showing proof of approved sea service for a period of not less than 3 months relating to that particular competence (The 3-3 Rule) or approved training or refresher program relating to that particular competence.
  7. A candidate shall pass all competences with theoretical examination within a period not exceeding 2 years (24 months).
  8. The full theoretical exam is designed to be completed in 200 minutes in one sitting, plus any administrative delays that may incurred in between.
  9. A re-sit for the same competence on the same day is NOT allowed.

Few reminders…

2. IDs must be valid original and contains the name, clear picture, date of birth and signature of the applicant and name, signature of issuing agency’s current head/authorized representative. Any other ID card not included above shall NOT be accepted.

3. These requirements are mandatory. The “NO REQUIREMENTS, NO EXAMINATION” rule is strictly implemented.

4. ATTIRE: Type B Marine Uniform, black leather shoes, black sacks, white short sleeves upper garment with CURRENT RANK Shoulder Board (2 STRIPES FOR C/M, 3 STRIPES FOR M/M)

5. Observe proper grooming: neat haircut, no accessories (i.e earrings)

These are just simple examination guidelines. Comply these so that you will have a smooth and easy examination day.


  1. Do not attempt to review or read review materials 1-2 days before your examination. Let your brain relax and rest after an exhausting and intensive review.
  2. Get proper sleep the night before your examination day.
  3. Do not over think the results for you don’t know what the outcome will be but at least hope for the best.
  4. Don’t let your nervousness overrun your thinking. Keep poised and ready. Just be cool.
  5. Be attentive and understand the instructions given by the proctor.
  6. If possible, avoid sitting direct to the AC for it is freezing cold in the area where it faces. The coldness might bother you.
  7. Once your timer starts, let your instinct do the work for it is automatic once you read the question.
  8. Do not forget to pray before, during and after exams. It is a great help. Don’t underestimate its power.

Updates to new circular…

A new MARINA Circular pertaining to the new system of examination will take place by May 2019.

Applications for the theoretical examination under the new circular 2018-08 and 2018-09 will start on January 2, 2019.

For more comprehensive information about this, click here.

Trust in yourself, and everything will go according to what you plan and hope. Goodluck!