Direct answer, Yes. But you can’t do it. Since MISMO took over, all systems of processing before it changed completely. One of this old process that many are fond of doing was expedite processing of COP.
In the pre-MISMO era, the agency would then ask for additional requirements including flight details and a valid contract.
In this blog, we’re going to talk about how to expedite processing of COP.
Who to contact?
An applicant who wants to avail of this service, he or she needs to contact their company’s Liason Officer.
According to STCW Advisory No. 2019-02, only accredited Liason Officers are allowed to carry out this process in behalf of the seafarer.
Thus, there shall be no individual expedite applications by seafarers.
If anything, just don’t attempt to do so. Additionally, you can ask your crewing manager what documents to expedite to.
On the other hand, if you know what certificates are urgent, then coordinate with your Liason Officer directly.
RELATED: What is SID or Seafarers Identity Document
What are the requirements?
These are the requirements that need to be uploaded to MISMO before your Liason Officer can go to MARINA Central Office:
In addition to normal COP or COC/COE processing requirements, you should have this uploaded.
1. Letter of Request for expedite processing (found below). Your agency shall process this and maybe already has a template available. The letter should contain official logo of the agency and is duly signed by its authorized official.

2. Duly approved POEA contract of the applicant.
3. A Valid Overseas Employment Certificate
4. Flight Details (Departure within 3 days from the date of processing/final evaluation.
How to expedite processing of COP?
There is an Expidite Option in MISMO’s Transaction Window:

After you upload all the requirements above plus the normal requirements, your Liason Officer takes care of everything. They shall ensure authenticity and completeness of the documents to be submitted to MARINA.
Incomplete documentary requirements are of course not accepted nor processed.
It will be a good thing if you will coordinate closely with your Liason Officer to have a smooth expedite processing.
Where this service is available?
This expediting of COP is only available in MARINA Central Office. This shouldn’t be a concern because almost all of shipping agencies are in Manila.
We think expanding this to the Regional Offices is still a good move. If however, a seafarer can process this, then it will be much better.
Therefore, all Liason Officers of each company can conveniently process this. Additionally, they may process multiple applications in just one go.
How much this costs?
This transaction costs P430. This is normal as cost of expediting your COP is a lot more than usual. Considering the urgency and nature of the process, this is justifiable.
Lastly, do not forget to thank your liason officer for this service!