Do you want to serve our nation and be a guardian of our freedom? If you think and feel that this is your calling, then you are in the right direction. With a stable pay and job security, one may ask, how to join the Philippine Navy?
But first, you need to check if you are qualified to join the Philippine Navy. As with other branch of the Armed Forces, the Navy too has their own. This is to make sure that the applicants that will be admitted into the Navy units do fit in their roles.
There are 4 possible entry points to join the Philippine Navy. They are: NOCC (NAVAL OFFICER CANDIDATE COURSE), BSC (Basic Seaman Course), MBC (Marine Basic Course) and Civilian Employee positions.

Qualifications for NOCC
- Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
- Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records
- Original and Photocopy of College Diploma
- 2×2 colored ID Picture with white Background
- Accomplished Application Form
- Must be a natural born Filipino citizen and of good moral character.
- Must be between 21-29 years old.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Graduate of a 4 or 5 year baccalaureate degree (preferably technical courses).
- Height of 5’0″ for both Male and Female.
- Must not have any pending civil / criminal case.
- Physically and mentally fit for training.
- Must have a complete One (1) set of four front (anterior teeth) and at least three molars (back teeth) on both upper and lower jaws.
- Must pass the AFP Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT), IQ Test and Special Written Examination (SWE).
- Must pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
- Birth Certificate (NSO)
- College Diploma
- Transcript of Records
- 2×2 Picture with white background
- Must be a Filipino Citizen and of Good Moral character.
- Must be 21-29 years old.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Graduate of any baccalaureate degree.
- Height of at least 5’4″ (male) and 5’2″ (female)
- Must not have any pending civil / criminal case.
- Physically, Mentally and Psychologically fit for military training.
- Must pass the AFP Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT), IQ Test and Special Written Examination (SWE).
- Must pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Pay, Allowances and Benefits
- Earn as much of Php 45, 416.00 while on training as Officer Candidate (OC) equivalent to Salary Grade 19 while on training.
- Earn as much as Php 51, 679.00 upon graduation with the rank of Ensign(ENS)/Second Lieutenant(2LT) equivalent to Salary Grade 20.
- Earn additional Longevity pay of 10% of the current monthly base pay compounded every five years of active military service.
- Benefits and privileges (Free Medical and Dental Services (including dependents), insurance, billeting, and housing privileges).
- Leadership and other Skills Training.
Career Opportunities
- Opportunity for Career Advancement.
- Opportunities for Post Graduate studies on top universities both within thecountry and abroad for free.
- Opportunities to study abroad with good compensation and allowance.
- Opportunity to serve the country and lead sailors/marines.
- Opportunities to serve in international peacekeeping missions.
- Opportunities to travel abroad and interact with foreign navies.
- Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
- Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records
- Original and Photocopy of College Diploma
- 2×2 colored ID Picture with white Background
- Accomplished Application Form
- Must be a natural born Filipino citizen and of good moral character.
- Must be between 18-26 years old.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Holder of at least 72 units in college (preferably technical courses), K-12 graduate or Technical Education and Skills Development Authority National Certificate II – TESDA NC II.
- Height of 5’0″ for both Male and Female.
- Must not have any pending civil / criminal case.
- Physically and mentally fit for training.
- Must have a complete one (1) set of four front (anterior teeth) and at least three molars (back teeth) on both upper and lower jaws.
- Must pass the AFP Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) and IQ examination.
- Must pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
- Birth Certificate (NSO)
- High School Diploma
- Transcript of Records if at least 72 units in College and if high school graduate with TESDA Certificate
- 2×2 Picture with white background
- Must be a Filipino Citizen and of Good Moral character.
- Must be 18-26 years old.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Holder of at least 72 units in college, K-12 graduate or graduate of any TESDA course (TESDA Certificate, Enrollment Report and Terminal Records)
- Height of at least 5’4″ (male) and 5’2″ (female)
- Must not have any pending civil / criminal case.
- Physically, Mentally and Psychologically fit for military training.
- Must pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Pay, Allowances and Benefits
- Earn as much as Php 25, 637.00 while on training as Candidate Soldier(CS) equivalent to Salary Grade 13.
- Earn as much as Php 37, 338.00 upon graduation with the rank of Apprentice Seaman(ASN)/Private(PVT) equivalent to Salary Grade 17.
- Longevity pay of 10% of the current monthly base pay compounded every five years of active military service.
- Benefits and privileges (Free Medical and Dental Services (including dependents), insurance, billeting, and housing privileges).
- Leadership and other Skills Training.
Career Opportunities
- Opportunity for Career Advancement.
- Opportunities for Post Graduate Studies on top universities both within the country and abroad for free.
- Opportunities to study abroad with good compensation and allowance.
- Opportunity to serve the country as sailors/marines.
- Opportunities to serve ininternational peacekeeping mission.
- Opportunities to travel abroad and interact with foreign navies.
- Natural born Filipino Citizen.
- Male or Female.
- Bachelor’s degree holder.
- Civil Service Commission (CSC) Eligible or Bar / Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board passer.
- Computer literate.
- Proficient in oral and written communication.
- Not less than 20 years old and not more than 40 years old.
- Physically and mentally fit for employment.
- With good moral character.
Privileges and Benefits
- Security of Tenure.
- Competitive Salary.
- Clothing Allowance.
- Opportunity for foreign and local schooling .
- Magna Carta benefits for hospital personnel.
- Bonuses (13th month basic pay).
- Cash gift.
- Productivity Enhancement Incentive.
Contact Information
Bonifacio Naval Station Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Phone Number: (02) 815-3420 loc 6137
Mobile Number: (+63) 917-476-3071 / (+63) 919-558-6274
Marine Barracks Fort Bonifacio, Bonifacio Naval Station, Taguig City
Phone Number: (02) 893-2121 loc 935
Mobile Number: (+63) 917-785-6758
or visit Philippine Navy website for more information.