MISMO or Marina Integrated Seafarer Management Online is the agency’s newest online appointment and certification service. This is the primary tool for issuance, revalidation and replacement of STCW Certificates. Every Filipino seafarer is required to have a valid MISMO account which will enable him or her to transact and set appointment with MARINA’s STCW Office. Today, we’re going to lay step by step process on how to create a MARINA MISMO Account.
This new online appointment system replaces the two previous online appointment system. The two being the SCS Portal and the Marina Appointment website.
In our review, this system is a much better upgrade than the previous systems. However, since it is new, there are plenty issues encountered by the end-user. You can find it out here.
Before we start with our tutorial, let me welcome you the maritime profession! I am hoping for smooth seas ahead of you.
Creating a MARINA MISMO Account
Okay, first of all, you need a valid email address in this process. Please choose between Gmail and Yahoo mail services. MARINA has disclosed that they only cater to these email services. The email address will also be your user name when the time you log in. As for your password, you need to complete the registration process first.
Next, please go to MISMO website at https://online-appointment.marina.gov.ph.

Click Sign Up Button. Then click Register New Account.

RELATED: Create a MARINA SID/SRB Online Appointment easily
After clicking Register New Account, please fill up necessary information.

Then, after you finish providing all necessary information, tick the “I accept the Term & conditions” button. These are the guidelines in using the MISMO online service.
Finally, click Register.
Verification of your MISMO Account
The MISMO System will generate an email that will be sent to the email address you use in the registration. It is important that you verify your email account to complete the registration process. Now, let’s take a look on the sample message:

Find the [MARINA] Verify Account Email. This email should be received within 5 minutes after you click the Register button. Click Confirm Account. If that doesn’t work, copy the link and paste it in Chrome or Mozilla web browsers.

Thereafter, this will show up.
Congratulations! There are few more steps to complete before you get to set an appointment of your transaction. Click Sign In Now to log in to your MISMO account.
Provide the email address and the password that you set. Then complete the reCAPTCHA button. This is to confirm that the user who will try to log in is actually a human, not a bot.
Logging In to MISMO
After successfully logging in, the end-user will directly be in his or her MISMO Profile Page. At the same time, the user can now have the SRN or Seafarer’s Registration Number.
However, after plenty of registration to the system, there are users who did not have their SRN generated by MISMO. MARINA vows to fix this as described in their Facebook post.

Updating your MISMO Profile
The end-user cannot fully use MISMO’s functions and services if his or her profile is not updated. Make sure to provide accurate information about you including all your certificates. With reference to the “Terms and Conditions” of signing up, it says:
“In any case of any fraudulent, mis declaration of the applicant in the use of these Service, the MARINA may expel the applicant and prevent his/her further access to the MARINA’s site, at any time for breaching the terms and conditions of this Service or for violating the applicable laws”
RELATED: 5 Reasons why MISMO online evaluation takes long
So, lets update your profile now! In updating your profile, just click Edit Personal Information.

Then, this window will show up. This lets you edit and provide information that the system needs.

With regards to your profile picture, it is important that you have one. Why? You cannot proceed in setting up appointment or transacting with the agency if you don’t have one. For your guidance, here are the requirements for your MISMO profile picture:

Once your MISMO profile is up to date and your profile picture is set, you can now proceed to set your very first appointment!
If you encounter a problem:
If there is any concern or problem encountered in creating a MISMO account, do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]

Final Thoughts…
Please learn to create this on your own. This can cost you money if you don’t know how to create a MARINA MISMO Account. In the lobby of MARINA Central office building, you will see. Simple process should not cost you anything mate!
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