Its been almost 5 years since the full implementation of MARINA MISMO System. How long are the process of our STCW certificates? We might have different experiences on this but nevertheless, it is vital that we have an idea on the time frame for all these processess.
There are complains, there are praises, overall, a mixed reactions coming from of course, different age groups. Have you tried getting your COP or COC using MISMO this year? I advise that you bring utmost patience and plan in advance in doing so because it takes a lot of time to complete. We’ll find out on how long how long is MARINA COC COP processing will take as of 2023.
COC application timeline of events…
I have completed all documentary requirements at the end of February. But for the sake of this entire content, I filed for COC renewal on March 1st.
March 1st – I went to MISMO and uploaded all documentary requirements. After Submission, a text confirming the transaction is received.

The next update came 9 days later, on March 10th.
March 10th – All documentary requirements found to be satisfactory except for the colored 2×2 picture. I will recommend that you go to a photo studio to get this and ask for a soft copy.
This is much simpler issue in comparison to some problems with other documents like training & sea service certificates. As MISMO now requires inputs from medical clinics, shipping agencies, one must be careful to avoid unnecessary delays.

As this falls on a Friday, I never had the time to go to a photo studio.
March 13th – I hit the submit button again after rectifying the deficiency found in my COC renewal application.

8 days later, on March 21st, application passed the initial online evaluation.
March 21st – Online evaluation was satisfactory and will now proceed to MISMO again to set up the Final evaluation.

Setting up the Final Evaluation
Log in to your MISMO and then go to Application. Look for your application and click the For Appointment button.

We can now set the appointment date after clicking the button. We can choose which date for the final evaluation. I found out that the earliest available date is on April 21st.
Take note that this is March 21st when I applied on MISMO. So from COC application up to the final evaluation, it takes a whole month or 20 working days (holidays due to Holy Week).

Click this date and then click the Proceed button.

Application on MISMO system is complete. Now, applicants must await for the final evaluation.

A kind reminder to all applicants that there is no need for physical appearance to any MARINA Offices. Don’t be shock that the MISMO system will let you set an appointment.
What that means basically is that MARINA evaluators will evaluate your application on that date.
COP application timeline of events…
COP processing takes a quite different path as it is much quicker than the COC processing on MISMO. But roughly the same as the time it takes to complete.
Around last week of March, I have completed the documentary requirements for COP of one of my certificates.
March 27th – After completing the documentary requirements, I applied for COP application.

March 28th – 1 day after, I got a feedback which is quite vague by the way. Need to check the email sent by MARINA for the full information.

I had the same problem as before, so I immediately fix the deficiency.

I done all this all and then applied on the same day. So from March 28th up until the final evaluation on May 3rd, it is 36 days or 22 working days.

In conclusion…
So in conclusion for this transaction:
COC Application – 1 month (including holidays) / 20 working days (excluding holidays)
COP Application – 36 days (including holidays) / 22 working days (excluding holidays)
I would suggest that you plan in advance all your MARINA COC COP transactions as it will take significant amount of time on your vacation. However, once you filed your application, there’s no need to wait for the final evaluation or releasing as you can print the certificate anywhere, even onboard. Just log in to your MISMO account.
However, there may be some crewing agency who needs the physical copy of the certificate so in that case, you just have to wait for it.
Disclaimer: Each applicant might have different experience due to volume of application currently handled by MARINA evaluators. So please bear with maximum patience as the personnel are limited in comparison to the volume of applications.