The newest online service from MARINA is out. The new MARINA SID/SRB online appointment system caters the issuance and renewal of SID (Seafarers Identity Document) and/or SRB (Seafarer’s Record Book).
This is a separate service from MISMO. Thus, does not need any registration or need to create a new account. It is built for one transaction use – meaning, once you set out an appointment with SRB or SID, that’s it.
Other STCW functions are still in MISMO like COP, COP, Examinations, etc.
Creating an SID appointment – step by step process
Let us first check what are the requirements for getting SID. Its pretty simple.
You only need to have a valid SRB/SIRB to get SID. If you’re up for renewal, the requirements stays the same. If your SID is lost, just provide a notarized affidavit for loss or damaged.
This process is all but identical with the processing of SRB when using this OAS from MARINA.
First, an applicant shall use the new MARINA SID/SRB Online Appointment System at Click Schedule an Appointment button.

The next window will lead you to the Terms and Conditions of the platform. Click I Agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy of this Website button.

The next window will ask for the applicant’s primary info including a valid email address.

After clicking the Submit button, you will be asked for an OTP. Log in to the email address you provided.

RELATED: MARINA COP Issuance using MISMO 2023
Get the OTP in your email address.

Put the 6-digit OTP into the box. Then click Submit.

After you successfully enter the OTP, you can now set your appointment schedule. This varies though due to the availability of slots from different MARINA Offices.
Set the Appointment

After you choose what branch and date, choose the time from the slots available. Then click Next.

You will then proceed to Step 2 of the overall process which is you choose what transaction you want to make. SID (Seafarer’s ID) or SRB (Seafarer’s Record Book). In this blog, we’ll choose the SID.

There are plenty of options under the category section. For this example, we’ll choose Overseas and then Officer. You can also choose different categories according to your rank onboard.

Do not forget to double check the information you put and if its all okay, then click Next to proceed.

As for this step, you can just tick the No, I want to skip this step. Just bring the requirements with you to the branch of appointment on the date you set.

Payment Process
The final step is the payment process which is needed to confirm the appointment you set.
There are 4 options available. However, if we will chose what’s best out of this, we’ll use the e Money option.

As per experience, e Money option mode of payment went smoothly. Therefore, I can recommend using this option.

Click the Generate Reference Number button to proceed to payment window.

Use the reference number below for your payment. Use Gcash app.

You will also receive a text from PisoPay for this transaction.

Now, go to your Gcash App and then pay the P650 amount as shown. Use the reference number upon paying the transaction. Your appointment is still pending at this point.

After you have sucessfully paid this transaction, you will be notified via email and SMS to confirm the payment.

Your MARINA Appointment is now confirmed. You can get your SID after everything is verified.

MARINA SID/SRB Online Appointment definitely has its advantages and disadvantages like MISMO. That is what we have to deal with. Yes, it is convenient but it may take too much time to get done.
The applicant shall note that the availability of SID appointment varies from one branch to another. Goodluck mates, I hope this tutorial helps!
Check out our video tutorial on SID..
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