It is extremely difficult to comprehend how difficult it is to be deployed as a cadet. Out of thousands of graduating maritime students across the country, only a few are given the chance to even take preliminary examinations. That’s why some of them resort to find a backer. Backer system as we call it, is one of the effective ways to be employed.
The system is unanimously accepted by most. Oftentimes being used as a way to extort money from our helpless mates. This is a dark secret for some when you fall into false hopes of bringing green pastures.
In this blog, we’re going to discuss these practices and why it continue to be an option for some of our mates.
Why find a backer?
You graduated 5 years ago, your certificates are about to expire. There never been a slight chance of employment in sight. You have a relative that employed in one company. What do you do?

It is almost inevitable to ask for help. At least with his help, there is a slight chance that you will be employed. That is just one case. There are countless moments that prompt us to use this backer system.
Some of the college students now has backer already. Once they graduate, they will be guided from the start until they board their vessel assignment. And some, they’ll go through longer times of uncertainty if they don’t have that kind of help.
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Reasons why you don’t need a backer
You’re in a scholarship program
Companies shoulder the fees of your academic requirements at a select maritime school. They will provide 1 year apprenticeship to complete your Bachelor’s degree.
You pass the screening process of a particular company
Entrance exams conducted by companies at select maritime schools.
Immediate deployment after successfully passing the screening process
You pass the regular application process
You are accepted as an applicant thru regular application in shipping agencies
Reasons why you need a backer
You constantly being rejected at the application process
Shipping agencies does not accept any application if there is no referral from within the company or other trusted person
Your certificates are about to expire
Your certificates are about to expire and you have not gained any experience yet.
You’re getting old
Its been 10 years since you graduated school and there is no employment opportunities for you
You have a friend/relative that is already employed
You see this chance to ask for help from your relative or friend and in turn refer you to be employed as well
Use the system effectively
You must use your networks including your parent’s networks and reach out to them if they know someone that can help you. Better be prepared to face them and ask them face to face about your request. You should do all things possible to help yourself and your parents.
Be on top your game, always. Keep your documents updated, keep reviewing entrance questions, CBTs, basic knowledge, etc. This is important because once that opportunity of an exam or oral interview comes, you have an edge over your fellow applicants.

There are some who will be accepted right there and then. It is because their backer is so important to the company and his request cannot be denied.
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Aim of the Backer System
Basically, it is a kind of help from high ranking or regular seafarers to the new entrants. At times, crewing managers or office personnel are the ones doing the magic. Thus making the application process irrelevant if you apply the system.

In addition, it will offer no competence check since subject applicants with backer skip entrance examinations. You are such in luck if you are in this situation.
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