You may already have asked, how hard is it to be a sailor’s wife? Being strong by enduring long distance relationship is already a struggle, is there something more?
Yes, and probably way more than just enduring the long-distance relationship.
Well, then what is? Probably a lot of seafarers would not look into these at first nor they probably will in the future or would wish to find these in their wife or girlfriend at present.
Looking attractive, gorgeous or fabulous are all but normal part of human satisfaction. However as we go through together and reality sets in, this eventually fades away.
Naturally, we all are attracted to physical appearance first. But by going beyond what we see is a whole new level and that takes a lot of time.
There are millions of reasons we love someone. However, only a few of those reasons really matter on why we should continue to love them.
The right qualities we need…
1. Non Materialistic – the kind of girl who demands or request not for material things but rather request your time and attention. Material things in any way can’t be more valuable than spending quality time together.
2. Accountable – this includes being honest and trustworthy not just in a relationship but also in financial aspect as well.
Please realize that you play a big role in your sailor’s success both in career and financial life. Talk about money management once in a while and find a way to co-exist together in this aspect.
If you both don’t, then you’re probably having for a rough ride along the way. Because being in sailor’s life you would always deal with a considerable amount of money.
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3. Supportive – with your sailor at the helm, you are at least right behind him in his struggle and success. Support him at most. A good gentleman always lays his plan right before his girl. What are your goals together? Do you plan for it as a couple? If you do, I am pleased.
It is a good practice to cross check each other’s decisions especially on major ones. What are your take on the matter at hand?
Handling matters on your own terms may cause huge implications and misunderstandings. Discuss and get the best decision for both of you.
4. Responsible – probably one of the hardest to find in a person. This takes time to discover that is why there is a “dating phase” in a relationship. It is for us to know as much as information about each other as possible. Because come only married life that this can be truly manifested.
Being responsible in all aspects of our relationship is a true test of our faithfulness. A responsible partner does make the sailor feel better, well and sound. His hard work is worth it when he knows a responsible wife is there with him.

Of course, there would be a lot of bizz and buzz about this. There are probably a lot more than these four but that would just be personal preferences. If both compatible, then its really a matter of understanding of each others qualities.
Remember, every contract would seem so difficult to complete when sailor’s wife is a burden to him or vice versa. It is so much better to make things right and be open to each other. Lay a good foundation right from the start.
If you are reading this, ask yourself. Do I see these qualities in her? Do I have these qualities? If you both do, then it is just a matter of time that you’ll soon be together, for good!