In one of our previous Youtube videos, we have lay out the process on how to become a seafarer in the Philippines. In this blog though, we will impart possible outcomes of a maritime graduate after school.
Being in this industry will test toughness of one’s heart, courage and perseverance. You have to work day in and day out, with the resources you have and still guarantees nothing.
I can still see some hopeful cadets enjoying life at school, well they should. Because once they toss that hat off, its going to be a rough ride. Explore with me some of the possibilities that will happen once they enter the real world.

Possible Outcome 1
Maritime graduate will get stuck at the application process. This really a hell of a time. Application process when you’re just starting out in this profession is not as easy as just sending a resume and wait for a call. It doesn’t work that way.
Most cases, these cadets will end up paying for their 12 months apprenticeship domestic or international. Its really a tough area to be in. Uncertainty is always close to 100%.
Its something that you can only find in this industry. One has to find someone from inside the company or agency that will help him or her get inside too. And if you don’t have that one we called “backer“, your chances is as dim as sun under the horizon.
As a real measure on how bad this stage is, it is close to impossible for cadets who wish to board for international vessels without a backer or a scholarship program. That is the reality on the ground. Not the shiny shoes or white uniforms.
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Possible Outcome 2
Maritime graduate will embark on domestic vessels first. To increase applicant’s chances to go international vessels, he or she should go into domestic experience first.
This increases the chances into embarking bigger and overseas but this doesn’t guarantees anything. Embarkation isn’t guaranteed until you already boarded your vessel. That’s how we measure this kind of hardship we face.

Plenty of seafarers gone through all those hardships and uncertainties. At times they never go through this stage and settle to what’s available. It doesn’t or never wrong, the only thing is that the conditions, wages and working standards are way too low compared to international standards.
A lot of them get stuck in here, losing sight to what the big prize really is.
Possible Outcome 3
The maritime graduate will embark on international vessels. This is almost the aim of all maritime graduates. However, this dream is such an elusive quest for some. This is actually attainable but its not easy.
Once already onboard, then its a start of a new journey and does not mean the end of all hardships. Its all but a beginning to new experiences, good or bad. The good thing though is that this is the rewarding part, not just you will get the experience you need, but you are also getting paid.
Wages are way above normal or even managerial level. You can check out our blog regarding Filipino seafarer’s wages here.
By far, this is the most ideal, well recommended place of all the possible outcomes of a maritime graduate. And if you become a captain or chief engineer, that’s already the epitome of any seagoing career.
Possible Outcome 4
The maritime graduate will work outside of his or her course of choice. You may meet some of them who already thriving outside they’re bound to be. They may have found better opportunities somewhere else. It’s never wrong also, that’s just reality of life that we have.
Everything will not be in our favor. Thus, we resort to finding opportunities that is outside what we studied in school. The important part is that we can provide and afford to live and be with our families, no matter what means it will take.
What outcome will you be heading?
As an active seafarer, I have fallen into one of the outcomes above. How about you? Where do you belong in this group? Do you intend to stay in where you are now?